
Do you think you may like to volunteer in the future?

With relaxed Covid restrictions, there are more and more opportunities to volunteer at school. Volunteers no longer need to be vaccinated to volunteer at school however all volunteers still need the following:

  • To have completed a Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care course (RRHAN-EC).
    This will take about 1 hour and can be found on the online learning platform called PLINK:
    After signing-up, search RRHAN in the menu ‘catalogue’. Select the Fundamentals course.

We understand that this sounds a lot, however the safety of our students is paramount at all times.

If you may be interested in volunteering to assist with incursions/excursions/activities at school or would like to volunteer in any other capacity, please complete an application form online and email the required support documentation to dl.0362.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

For all volunteers, regardless if you have been vaccinated or not, if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are unwell you need to stay at home in accordance with health advice.

We appreciate all of volunteers and look forward to having you assisting our staff and students in a variety of ways.

Related Pages: Fundraising, Governing Council, Blog