
Thank you for considering to Volunteer your help at Port Noarlunga Primary.

Whether you’re volunteering for the first time, or plan on continuing to be involved in school excursions and activities, you will find all required links to become a volunteer on this page.

Any queries can be directed to our front desk admin team.

1. Working With Children’s Check

A working With Children’s Check (WWCC) is issued by DHS (Department of Human Services) and remains valid for 5 years. Checks can take a few weeks to clear if requesting for the first time, and a fee is involved.

Working with Children’s Check link: https://www.dcsiscreening.sa.gov.au/SCRequestApplicationIndividual

2. RRHAN-EC Training

Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) is a course required by anyone working with children in an education setting. Specifically, Volunteers need to complete the Fundamentals Course. The course is available on the Department for Education’s online learning management website. You will be able to access the training after creating an account:

RRHAN-EC link: plink.sa.edu.au

Note: After signing-up, search RRHAN in the menu ‘catalogue’. Select the Fundamentals course.

3. Volunteer General Induction

Now that you have a Plink account, you can also complete the next step: A 30-minute General Induction that all Department for Education Volunteers and Governing Council members must complete.

Volunteer General Induction link: plink.sa.edu.au

Note: After signing-up, search Volunteer Induction in the menu ‘catalogue’.

4. Volunteer Application

Once you have obtained all of the neccesssray certificates listed above, you can submit your Volunteer Application to our school. This is your declaration that you have completed all training, and helps us make sure we have your correct contatc details and information.

Volunteer Application link: https://forms.office.com/r/kbktv7bjQd

5. Forward Your Documents

The final step is to forward all of the required documents listed above to our administration email. Once processed, you will get a confirmation reply to confirm you are clear to volunteer!

Administration email: dl.0362.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

6. Thank you

We understand that this sounds a lot, however the safety of our students is paramount at all times.

We appreciate all of volunteers and look forward to having you assisting our staff and students in a variety of ways.

Related Pages: Fundraising, Governing Council, Blog