Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

We are nearly to the end of term and are looking forward to finishing on a high note with our Colour Fun Run. I’d like to send a MASSIVE thank you out to Briana Field and her team of volunteers for all that they do and all that they have done this term. The Bunnings...
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

The Porties Fundraising committee will run the sausage sizzle at Bunnings Noarlunga all day Sunday 17th September 2023. We need parent and community volunteers to assist. If you can help, please complete an online form: Sausage Sizzle Volunteer...
Crazy Hair and Casual Clothes Day!

Crazy Hair and Casual Clothes Day!

Come to school with CRAZY HAIR and CASUAL CLOTHES on Friday 18th November and raise money for charity. This event has been planned by our Young Leaders. Gold coin donation will be collected from classrooms. Donations can be made on QKR.
Charity begins at PORTIES!

Charity begins at PORTIES!

The world for many children can be a scary and unsafe place. Children in Ukraine are experiencing daily bombing, their homes may be destroyed and their parents far away fighting to protect them and their country. In Yemen children are starving and living in terrible...