Port Noarlunga Primary School

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

Bunnings Sausage Sizzle

The Porties Fundraising committee will run the sausage sizzle at Bunnings Noarlunga all day Sunday 17th September 2023. We need parent and community volunteers to assist. If you can help, please complete an online form: Sausage Sizzle Volunteer...
Porties Podcast Pick #1

Porties Podcast Pick #1

As many of our classroom and specialist teachers are (or are soon to be) parents, we wanted to share some of the sources that we mine information, ideas and strategies from that help us both in our own parenting journey as well as in the classroom. For the next month...
2023 School Soccer Season

2023 School Soccer Season

via Michael Warren – White Pointers Soccer Co-Ordinator – 0416 490 350 Port Noarlunga Primary School will again be entering teams in the local school soccer league (NDJSA). This is a fantastic opportunity for kids of all ages (Reception to Year 6) to get...