Memorial Garden Makeover

Memorial Garden Makeover

by Vicki McCarthy—Business Manager During 2023 a group of students from the Year 5/6 classes and I have been working together on Wednesday afternoons to improve and beautify the Memorial Garden as part of the electives programs. Thanks to a large number of generous...
Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

Principal’s Update – Term 3, 2023

We are nearly to the end of term and are looking forward to finishing on a high note with our Colour Fun Run. I’d like to send a MASSIVE thank you out to Briana Field and her team of volunteers for all that they do and all that they have done this term. The Bunnings...
Porties Music Night 2023

Porties Music Night 2023

written by Year 5 students April L and Jada W. On the 17th of August 2023 Port Noarlunga Primary School hosted a music night where our strings and choir students got to perform what they have learnt this year. The night was a fantastic turn out. Families brought their...
Farewell Victoria Corbett

Farewell Victoria Corbett

Dear all, I hope that you have had a great start to the new term and are enjoying some of this beautiful sunshine. I have held off writing this blog as I needed formal notifications to be received before making an announcement. We would like to congratulate Victoria...
Book Week Dress-Up Parade

Book Week Dress-Up Parade

Students dress up for Book Week on Wednesday, 23rd August. The theme is “Read, Grow, Inspire.” Classes will parade their costumes around the neighbouring block for parents and caregivers from 9:15am (Benny Ave, Ralphs Ave, James Ave, Cornish Ave –...