School Crossing

At Port Noarlunga Primary School we endeavour to ensure students are provided a safe space to learn and play while at school. Part of this is ensuring students a safe journey both to and from school each day. Our school crossing is an important element of supporting students to safely cross the road with trained crossing monitors to observe and direct both student and vehicle traffic. This ensure safe passage for students who arrive at school via James Avenue.

Crossing Monitors

Our crossing monitors are student volunteers who are trained and authorised by a South Australian Police Officer. Students must be 10 years of age or older and attended the site based training session before being able to volunteer and begin duties on the crossing duty roster. All students who are interested have the opportunity to be a part of the training at the beginning of each year and once trained are an integral part of the Emu Crossing with supervision from a teacher.

Use of the Emu Crossing

To ensure that we can create a safe and smooth transition at the start and end of the day, we would ask that all families who cross the road on James or Ralph Avenue use the crossing to walk to and from school grounds. Traffic monitors can then ensure they have directed and stopped traffic when necessary and avoid any accidents on the road. We would ask for your cooperation in modelling this to all students at PNPS and respect the work our amazing crossing volunteers do by walking down to the crossing and using it as a means of safely walking you and your family from one side of the road to the other.

Kiss and Drop

We ask that when families drop off in the morning for ‘Kiss and Drop’, that families are understanding of the 15 minute time limit and where possible have students get in and out of the car on the kerbside of the road. If families are leaving cars parked for longer periods of time this can create congestion in the ‘Kiss and Drop’ zone and increase the risk for children. If there are no spaces close enough to park for a Kiss and Drop, we would ask that families drive around the school again to minimise congestion and create space for cars to exit and enter vacant parking spaces.

Reporting Incidents

There are vehicles on the road who do not follow crossing monitors directions or create an unsafe situation on the road, our monitors have been trained to record the relevant information and where necessary seek support form staff to lodge a traffic complaint or notify the police. Please see above key information regarding crossing monitors and the important role they play in maintaining road safety at Port Noarlunga Primary School.

Contact the school with any concerns on 8382 2455.