Resource Centre

The Port Noarlunga Primary School Resource Centre aims to provide a space where students can build a love of reading while sharing in a quiet and safe space. The Resource Centre enables individuals to surround themselves with a rich cross-section of texts from decodables, picture books and novels, to a wealth of different fiction and non-fiction texts that span different countries and cultures from around the world.

As it is currently stands, our Resource Centre was built and completed in November, 2013. Before the most recent redevelopment, the Resource Centre was situated in two other locations on site and throughout its history has been a space to immerse our students in rich literature and stories.

Borrowing Books

All students have the opportunity to visit the library once a week with their class to borrow books from our growing collection.

Students from Reception to year 6 can borrow a maximum of four books and they can be borrowed for up to two weeks before being overdue.

The library is open each morning from 8.30 am to 9.00 am for any students who may wish to borrow more often than once a week or are needing to change over Lexile readers.

An overdue list is emailed to parents and staff each week and those students with overdue books will not be able to borrow until books have been returned. If books cannot be found at home and students would like to continue to borrow, parents can either pay for lost items at the Finance Office or on the Qrk! App. Whilst every care is taken when returning items, mistakes can still occur. Please, if you have any queries regarding outstanding items, don’t hesitate to contact Tina.

The Premier’s Reading Challenge

The school participates in The Premier’s Reading Challenge each year. Student Reading Logs are given to their teacher at the beginning of the year to record when students complete a text. Participating students must read eight books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list plus four books of their own choice. Each time a student reads a book they record the title and author and have the book signed off by a parent, guardian or teacher. Students should then bring their completed form to the library to be processed and have their certificate (Reception) or medallion (Year 1-6) ready for the presentations later in the year.

Scholastic Book Club

Book Club is an excellent way to access exciting and affordable books that foster building independent reading skills at home, with the added benefit of supporting the school in raising Scholastic credits and resources that the school can then use to support students learning in the classroom.

There will be two catalogues a term throughout the year, a reminder will be posted on Class Dojo. If you would like to place an order, please do so online via the LOOP app or the Scholastic website.

Creating Your Scholastic Book Club Online Profile

Start by visiting the website below to create your child’s own personal Book Club profile.

Book Club – Parents | Scholastic Australia

  1. Click the ‘Place Your Order’ Button
  2. Underneath the ‘Logon’ button, click Register
  3. Enter your details (Name, password, email and phone #)
  4. Click ‘Add Child’ and enter both your child’s details and the details of the school. Don’t forget both the class and teacher details so that items purchased will be sent to the correct class teacher.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ and you have created your child’s Book Club profile.

Now that you have a profile created, look out for each new issue of the Scholastic Book Club catalogue posted on Class Dojo and the School Website. By then logging back in with the relevant book number or reference number, you are able to easily place each purchase online that will be delivered directly to school.

Please contact if you have any questions regarding your order.