Port Noarlunga Primary School

The Porties Post

Latest news from Port Noarlunga Primary. Our school newsletter is presented here as a live rolling blog.
Latest information, Class Stories, sports results, student achievements, and Principal Updates are all shared here.

Farewell Victoria Corbett

Farewell Victoria Corbett

Dear all, I hope that you have had a great start to the new term and are enjoying some of this beautiful sunshine. I have held off writing this blog as I needed formal notifications to be received before making an announcement. We would like to congratulate Victoria...

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Team Ehlers Is A Hungry Bunch!

Team Ehlers Is A Hungry Bunch!

A CLASS STORY BY TEAM EHLERS Our class have a weekly Healthy Choice focus of a fruit or vegetable. This involves: ➤ A Monday and Friday tally of who likes/dislikes it. ➤ A ‘photo shoot’ of all the various ways the fruit/vegetable is packed by our families for school....

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National Reconciliation Week 2020

National Reconciliation Week 2020

“At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians.” https://www.reconciliation.org.au/what-is-reconciliation Today marks the start of...

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The Happy Adventures of Sammy the Sloth

The Happy Adventures of Sammy the Sloth

The cuddly teddy supporting student well-being and communication in Miss Orrin's 2/3 Class. CLASS STORY by Miss Orrin Sammy the Sloth came into our space prior to our year as a team commencing. Sammy was introduced to Team O on ClassDojo over December so that on day...

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Principal’s Update – Social Distancing Letter to Parents

Principal’s Update – Social Distancing Letter to Parents

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Yesterday evening (20th May) we held our Governing Council meeting. One of our members shared concerns raised by some families regarding the restrictions on staying on grounds after school and / or playing on the playground. The social...

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Reception Self Portraits

Reception Self Portraits

by Miss Gwatking's RECEPTION class This year we started school for the very first time—how exciting! We have been doing lots of fun activities to help us develop a strong sense of belonging in our new environment. As part of Term 1’s Health and Art topics we created...

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The Porties Family video

The Porties Family video

While it has been a different start to Term 2, our wonderful Porties team has shown that we are all in this together—like one big family! You might recall a request for photos of students learning went out via Class Dojo last week, whether home schooling or in the...

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Time For Families

Time For Families

This has been a very important time for families to work together, spend time together, play together and learn together. Post by Karen Thorburn, Teacher of French Many students have been telling me how they have taught their parents the French handwashing song we...

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Principal’s Update – Term 2, Week 1, 2020

Principal’s Update – Term 2, Week 1, 2020

While we are all busy making a new ‘normal’ for ourselves, school has continued for many of us in much the same way as before. Granted, the students have cleaner hands than they have ever had, but the learning continues regardless of location. The impact of COVID-19...

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