Port Noarlunga Primary School

The Porties Post

Latest news from Port Noarlunga Primary. Our school newsletter is presented here as a live rolling blog.
Latest information, Class Stories, sports results, student achievements, and Principal Updates are all shared here.

PARENT FEEDBACK 2023 Reports Format and Interviews

PARENT FEEDBACK 2023 Reports Format and Interviews

With parent/teacher interviews close to being finished and having had some time to digest the new mid-year reports, we were hoping to get some feedback about the new report portfolios and interview experience in 2023. Below is a link to a Google Form with some...

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Classroom Creative: Stop-Motion Animation

Classroom Creative: Stop-Motion Animation

A CLASS STORY by MR. HORSFALL'S & MR. LETCHER'S 5/6 CLASS Over the past few weeks students have been learning the skills and techniques of making stop motion animation video clips and movies. Stop motion is a film technique where a series of still photos are taken...

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Back to Front Maths in Action

Back to Front Maths in Action

Ms Thompson and Mrs Baumann’s 3/4 class have been using the Back to Front Maths teaching approach to investigate Fractions.  The teachers have been involved in several T&D sessions facilitated by Tierney Kennedy which has provided us with ongoing support and...

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Spectacular Week of SAPSASA

Spectacular Week of SAPSASA

Week 3, Term 3 was jam-packed with SAPSASA events every single day for our Sporty Porties students. Monday saw the Boy's Footy team take part in knock-out football at Christies Beach Primary. They competed hard and, despite not snagging a win, came away with a fun and...

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Self-worth and Empathy

Self-worth and Empathy

How beautiful to see our students being strong in themselves and showing care for others? Every day I am touched by the unique and caring ways our children relate to each other and to us. They are not programmed to judge others by their appearance, their income, their...

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Remarkable Reception Writers

Remarkable Reception Writers

At the beginning of last term, Mr. Josh’s class embarked on a literary journey that might just produce the next budding author or illustrator of Port Noarlunga Primary School (shout out to Jack Joseph Payne Gibson). In literacy throughout the rest of the year, a few...

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Growth Mindsets and Learning in Mrs Sander’s Class

Growth Mindsets and Learning in Mrs Sander’s Class

Embedded in the learning in our classroom is a focus on students discovering their strengths, whether these be in literacy, numeracy, scientific and/or creative fields. All students are encouraged to acquire new skills, take risks, be prepared to make mistakes, adopt...

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Principal’s Update – Term 3, Week 2, 2020

Principal’s Update – Term 3, Week 2, 2020

Dear all, I hope you have all settled successfully into Term 3. I thought that it was timely to remind you all about the continued importance of following the SA Health guidelines regarding COVID-19. As you would have seen, the Eastern states, particularly Victoria...

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