Port Noarlunga Primary School

The Porties Post

Latest news from Port Noarlunga Primary. Our school newsletter is presented here as a live rolling blog.
Latest information, Class Stories, sports results, student achievements, and Principal Updates are all shared here.

Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023

Book Week 2023 was a great success at Port Noarlunga Primary. The Book Fair raised over $1800 —a fantastic effort! As a result, over $400 worth of new books will be allocated to the school Library for our students to access. Students again paraded the neighbouring...

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Setting up for a year in Team O

Setting up for a year in Team O

We are a team of twenty-four Year 1 and 2 students, one teacher, a crew of student support officers and one green dinosaur. You read right—we have the kindest little herbivore named Steggy! On day one Steggy was introduced to our team in a way that would allow others...

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Principal’s Update – Week 1, Term 1, 2021

Principal’s Update – Week 1, Term 1, 2021

Welcome to the new school year at Port Noarlunga Primary. Our year has started on a positive note with students and staff keen to get into the learning. We welcome some new staff members this year and they have fitted into our team seamlessly. They are: Karen...

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A little note of thanks from Kristie Fudge…

A little note of thanks from Kristie Fudge…

What a wonderful year I’ve had, working here at Port Noarlunga PS! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with such a fantastic group of staff and students in my role as a Music Education Network Field Officer. I’ve worked with many of the classes and their...

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Performing Arts with Miss Scott

Performing Arts with Miss Scott

How is it December already? 2020 has certainly whizzed by and brought all the triumphs and challenges along with it.  Students at Port Noarlunga Primary School have one lesson each week with me (Miss Susie Scott) to learn Music, Dance and Drama. Here is just a...

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All things Biological in Ms Clarke’s class

All things Biological in Ms Clarke’s class

Throughout term four our class have been learning about animals and plants. I decided that we needed to have a lot of hands-on-learning activities to be successful. We were!! Benefits of Hands-on-Learning Hands-on learning is knowledge students gain when they are...

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Outdoor Learning with Team O

Outdoor Learning with Team O

by Team O (Courtney Orrin), Year 2/3 students Growing evidence continues to highlight the benefits of nature play. In 2019 I had the opportunity of engaging in professional development facilitated by Nature Play South Australia. It was evident then that this was...

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Mr. Wakefield’s 6/7 2020 Retrospective

Mr. Wakefield’s 6/7 2020 Retrospective

A Class Story by Mr. Wakefield's 6/7 students Our class has done some fun and interesting activities throughout this strange year. Let us share some of our favourite moments! Noah:  This year I have enjoyed being in Mr Wakefield's class because he has pushed...

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