Vision and Values

Port Noarlunga Primary School provides a stimulating environment to maximise all students learning opportunities. Students are challenged to achieve their potential.

Students are supported to enjoy school and to feel safe, happy and confident within a positive and caring environment. Students develop life-skills and community awareness within technologically rich and innovative programs.

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Student Wellbeing

Our Student Wellbeing Leader, Mrs Victoria Corbett, supports our Vision and Values by promoting student wellbeing. She extends her support throughout the community and can be contacted on (08) 8382 2455 or by email at

Pastoral Care Worker

A new PCW will be appointed in Term 1 2023 and will be available to support families.

Smith Family

The Smith Family provide support to families at Port Noarlunga Primary School through the Learning for Life Scholarships and Learning and Mentoring Programs. Financial support up to $420 per year per child is available with a referral. You must hold a valid concession card and your child must have 90% attendance rates. Referrals can requested from our School Counsellor.