Staff and students are invited to wear yellow on Thursday Week 6 (August 29th) to support the Cancer Council Daffodil Day. 💰 COLD COIN DONATIONS✔️ Young Leaders will collect gold coins from classrooms✔️ Or make a donation on QKR! Daffodil Day is happening around the same time as our Book Week Dress-Up Parade, so we […]
Wednesday 5th September is a Student Free Day. Students do not attend school today while staff participate in training. OSHC services are available if already booked.
The annual Colour Fun Run is our traditional celebration on the last day of Term 3. Students wear a white t-shirt and participate in a fun-run course while getting splashed with vibrant colours!! We are fundraising for our playground! The run starts at 1:40PM and will finish at 2:15PM REMINDER of early dismissal 2:15PM. Not […]