On Tuesday, 5th March all Year 3/4 students will participate in Water Safety Lessons facilitated by Port Noarlunga Aquatics. Sessions over the whole day are held at Port Noarlunga Jetty. Students will walk to and from the beach, departing school at 9AM and returning by 3:10PM. IMPORTANT! THREE (3) ITEMS ARE REQUIRED Before attending, the following must be received by the […]
On Friday, 8th March all Year 5/6 students will participate in Water Safety Lessons facilitated by Port Noarlunga Aquatics. Three sessions over the whole day are held at Port Noarlunga Jetty. Students will walk to and from the beach, departing school at 9AM and returning by 4:10PM. Students can be collected by a parent from the beach at 4PM. […]
Dental checkups available for students. Families can register using the paper form that will be sent home. Medicare information needs to be provided. Exact times of appointments cannot be provided during this time. Contact the front office for more information or follow-up: 8382 2455 Alternatively, contact Dental for Schools directly: https://www.dentalforschools.com.au/ (08) 7084 2141
Raising money for the Mills family. Staff, students and parents: Wear your TEAM COLOURS to school for a gold coin donation! Wednesday, 27th March. Donations can be made on QKR in leui of gold coins.(School Events > Wear Team Colours Day) Give extra support: https://gofund.me/4e39b06d