Students will exit school grounds and walk two laps of the block neighboring PNPS and surrounding Frieda Corpe Kindergarten: James Avenue, Benny Avenue, Cornish Avenue, and Ralphs Avenue. Parents are invited to surround the block and spectate the parade. We kindly ask that, where it is safe to do so, leave the footpath clear for […]
All bookings for Teacher Interviews need to be made online. All interview timeslots remain a first-in, first-served scenario and we are glad to say can again now be in person at the school.The timeslots and availability for interviews have been arranged by classroom/specialist teachers and we would appreciate if all interviews can remain within these […]
French Fun Day is Monday 19th September. Students will participate in some special activities between recess and lunch, working with their class teacher and possibly their buddy class. To join in the fun, students are invited to dress as a French character for the day or simply wear the French colours of BLUE, WHITE and […]
Cookies and cakes and socks, oh my! 🧦 Wear ODD SOCKS today for a gold coin donation. (Not a casual clothes day - students still wear school uniform). 🧦 🍩🧁🍪🍰Bring extra spare change for the BAKE SALE!Held during Recess at 10:40am in Miss Sander's class (Room 10-1)🍩🧁🍪🍰 PLEASE DONATE TO THE BAKE SALE:We require donations […]
Thursday 22 September 2022 will be a one-off national public holiday to mark the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our School and OSHC will be closed. Further information about South Australian observances for the death of Her Majesty the Queen can be found at
On Friday 30th September, the last day of term, we are hosting a Colour Explosion Fun Run to raise money for new playground equipment. Sponsorship booklets have been sent home with students. If you haven't received one, there are spares in the front office for collection. Did you know? Students raise 3x times more when […]