Bonjour tout le monde! The countdown has started to this year's French Fun Day which will take place on Friday 4th June. Students will participate in some special activities between recess and lunch working with their class teacher and possibly their buddy class. Thanks to Deonne, students will be able to order a special lunch […]
PNPS Marketplace is happening again!MONDAY 7 JUNE 2021 (Week 7) Upper Primary students have developed mini businesses to provide goods and services to the younger grades. What do the younger students (Reception to Year 5) need to do? ✅ Come to school. ✅ Bring a little cash (we know cash is rare in these times […]
Crossing monitor training for all students aged 10 and over who wish to help keep our school community safe. Crossing training lasts 12 months so it also a refresher for students who were trained last year.
For students who were absent on photo day and couldn't be photographed. Family photos that were already booked will also be caught-up if possible. Photos will be taken first thing in the morning. NO NEW BOOKINGS. Any queries about orders/payments please contact MSP Photography directly on 8391 3951.
Fun Run Colour Extravaganza will be held on Friday 2nd July at 1:30pm. This year we are fundraising a little differently and will be managing this ourselves rather than accessing an external company for fundraising support. This means that 100% of profits will go to the school. The funds will be used to purchase trees […]