Port Noarlunga Primary School

Early Dismissal

2:15pm early dismissal for the last day of Term 2 - Friday July 2nd Term 3 begins Monday July 19th.

Student Free Day

OSHC services available. Please book early.

Book Week Dress-Up

Book week theme for 2021 is: "Old World, New World, Other World" Due to ongoing COVID-19 limitations we have decided to take our parade out of the school gates. On Wednesday 25th August from 9:30am, weather permitting, we will leave the school and walk single file around the block (see attached map). We ask that […]

Fun Run Colour Extravaganza!

Hooray! The Fun Run Colour Explosion is back on the calendar for the last day of term 3 - Friday 24th September at 1:30pm. Students can wear their fun run clothes to school - A white t-shirt is best to get the full colour experience! We will make a decision about spectators closer to the […]

Early Dismissal

Early Dismissal 2:15pm directly after the Fun Run, Friday 24th September 2021

Student Free Day

OSHC services available. Please book early.

AGM – Port Noarlunga Primary

Please be advised that the link to join the 2022 AGM ishttps://schoolssaeduau.webex.com/m/44d35d7b-e43c-4b03-809c-e704daab421e Information on what is covered in this AGM is available here: Join by PhoneTap to call in from a mobile device (attendees only)+61-8-8461-4715 Australia Toll (Adelaide)+61-2-9053-7190 Australia Toll 2

Water Safety Lessons (Year 3-4-5)

McMillan, Parkes, Sander, Thompson/Baumann classes Students will be participating in the Water Safety Program at Port Noarlunga Beach and Aquatics Centre. Detailed information and permission notes sent home in writing on Monday, 28 February 2022. WHEN: Tuesday 8th MARCH leaving school at 9:00am and returning at 3:00pm. TRAVEL: Students will walk to and from the […]

Year 6 Aquatics Lessons

Clarke (19-1)Horsfal/Gregory (19-2)Heard/Gregory (19-3)Eldridge (19-4) Year 6 students will be participating in the Aquatics Program at Port Noarlunga Beach and Aquatics Centre. Detailed information and permission notes sent home in writing on Monday 28 February 2022. WHEN: Friday 11th March leaving school at 8:30am and returning at 4:30pm. TRAVEL: Students will walk to the beach. […]

Nature Play Incursion (R-2)

Miss Emily (R) and Miss Bayly (R)- Morning Session Miss Alana (1/2) and Mrs Ehlers(1/2)- Midday Session Jade Clarke (R/1) and Miss Butcher (1/2)- Afternoon Session The natural elements incursion is a multi-sensory, play-based learning experience that inspires creativity and joyful connections with nature. Students will explore and create with natural materials and loose parts […]

Year 5 Water Safety Lessons

Clarke (19-1)Horsfal/Gregory (19-2)Heard/Gregory (19-3)Eldridge (19-4) Year 5 students will be participating in the Water Safety Program at Port Noarlunga Beach and Aquatics Centre. Detailed information and permission notes sent home in writing on Monday 28 February 2022. WHEN: Friday 11th March leaving school at 9:00am and returning at 3:00pm. TRAVEL: Students will walk to and […]

Parent Teacher Interviews – Term 1, 2022

Monday (21st March) through to Friday the 8th of April, teachers willbe holding interviews for the families to check in on student progress throughout term one. All bookings for these interviews need to be made online. All interview timeslots remain a first in, first served scenario and will be by phone or Google Meet.The timeslots […]