AGM – Governing Council

Our Governing Council AGM is scheduled for Tuesday 7th February at 5pm in the school library. All families are welcome to attend. We would love to have a broad representation on our Governing Council and Committees. Please consider joining us twice a term (Weeks 4 and 8) on Tuesdays at 5pm. Please RSVP on 8382 […]

Student Free Day

Students do not attend school today. OSHC services are available.

Dental for Schools

Forms have been sent home with students and need to be returned to the class teacher by 17th February. Forms can also be completed online:

Outdoor Education Day 1

Reception, R/1, 1/2 & 2/3 attending. Further details

Outdoor Education Day 2

Years 5/6 attendingFurther details published

NAPLAN Testing Commences

Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit for NAPLAN testing from today. More information: