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Parent Teacher Interviews – Term 3 2023

26 July 2023 @ 8:00 AM 18 August 2023 @ 5:00 PM

Between Wednesday the 26th July, through to Friday the 18th of August, teachers will be holding interviews for families to check in on student progress throughout the year.

All bookings for these interviews need to be made online. BOOKINGS CLOSE Friday, 21st July (second week of the school holidays). All interview timeslots remain a first in, first served scenario. 

The timeslots and availability for interviews have been arranged by classroom/specialist teachers and we would appreciate if all interviews can remain within these timeslots as much as possible.

All interview times are a set length of 15 minutes. If you feel you will require longer, we would ask that you negotiate this with the required teacher prior to booking so they can plan accordingly.

Please follow the steps below to make a booking and discuss your child’s learning with their classroom or specialist teacher:


  • Visit www.schoolinterviews.com.au
  • Select the ‘MAKE A BOOKING’ button in the top right hand corner of the website.
  • The event code for all PNPS School Interviews is 2vaju, please type in this code and click ‘Go’.
  • Follow the prompts and drop down boxes to the required teacher and please book your preferred interview time.

To assist with teacher preparation for interviews, we ask that interviews are booked by Friday, July 21st . Any interview times made after this date will require direct communication with the classroom teacher and 48 hours notice.