Good News Story Children are remarkable and ours are simply the best. The creativity they show in learning and play is something that I love to spend time observing. They have a wonderful commitment to improving their learning and have enjoyed the increasing...
Girls SAPSASA footy at Porties Good News Story SAPSASA has been an important part of primary school life for a very long time. I was never athletic or skilled enough to be an active participant in SAPSASA events but I certainly enjoyed the opportunity to cheer on my...
Quick links to sections in this post: Good News StoryPrincipal’s UpdateStaffing UpdateCOVID UpdateSchool Photos and Student Free Day Students enjoy reading during morning healthy snack. Good News Story I will often talk about how kind our students are and how...
On Friday the 11th March the sun gods were smiling upon us as we ventured on our annual pilgrimage to Port Noarlunga Beach for aquatics and beach safety lessons. We arrived sunblocked up and began the mission that is wetsuits! After much jumping, rolling around and...
See our end-of-year compilation of photos from whole school events throughout the year via the YouTube video posted below (unlisted). We hope you enjoy seeing the smiles on the faces and the fun that has been had by all. Farewell to 2021 and here is hoping that 2022...
Dear all,Apologies for not checking in recently or as regularly as I should lately. There are a couple of things that I would like to share / update in this blog post. COVID19 Guidelines I understand there is a lot of frustration and discontent regarding the...