Port Noarlunga Primary School

Beach School!

Beach School!

In Term 1 Team Ehlers and Miss Alana’s Bananas spent four wonderful Friday mornings just North of Port Noarlunga Jetty for beach Nature Play sessions. We arrive at school, Slip Slop Slap after checking the UV Rays, get our beach shoes on and bags ready and head for...
A sporting chance at Porties

A sporting chance at Porties

So, what are all the opportunities to play sport at Port Noarlunga Primary School? Here is a rundown as to what is available and the structures in place for school based sports. The Department for Education supports sport through policy development, curriculum...
Playing Board Games to Learn Social Skills

Playing Board Games to Learn Social Skills

Every Thursday afternoon the year 5/6 students from Mr Horsfall and Mr Letcher’s class spend a lesson playing board games in groups. A large array of board games are made available for students to choose from. These are mainly games that they have not come across...
The Buddy Program

The Buddy Program

A classroom story by Kris Sander – Year 4/5 teacher Buddy programs are generally programs which involve older children being paired with younger children, for example children starting school and children in older years. However, similar year level students may...