Port Noarlunga Primary School

Teaching Design Technology at PNPS

Teaching Design Technology at PNPS

By BRETT HORSFALL As a part of my role this year I have been teaching design technology to two classes. Miss Emily’s year 5/6 class and Miss Alana’s year 2/3’s. Students have taken on the various problem solving tasks that have been thrown at them throughout the year...
Congratulations PNPS Choir!

Congratulations PNPS Choir!

Students in the Port Noarlunga Choir recently performed at the Southern Metropolitan Music Festival at the Hopgood Theatre. The festival perform a similar concert as the Adelaide Festival of Music with a Dance troupe and festival orchestra. Students are given...
Class Excursion to Adelaide Central Markets

Class Excursion to Adelaide Central Markets

By Miss Bracken’s 3/4 Class On Thursday the 31st of October, Room 14-1 went on an excursion to the Adelaide Central Markets. This excursion linked in with our learning in Maths (money) and Health (healthy eating). Students worked in small groups and had a budget...
Our Woolworths Earn and Learn rewards

Our Woolworths Earn and Learn rewards

Woolworths Earn & Learn is a fantastic rewards program that allows schools to obtain new equipment needed to help develop the great minds of tomorrow. Thank you to all friends and families who collected Earn & Learn stickers this year. We had an amazing amount...