Port Noarlunga Primary School

Team Ehlers Tent Night

Oct 23, 2019 | class story

Who: Team Ehlers and their families

What: We pitched our tents on the oval and camped at school for a night.

When: Friday night, October 18th after having to cancel our initial date in Term 1 due to a storm.

Where: We all made a tent village between our classroom and the PE sheds.

Why? Well that’s a longer story…

This year we have taken on the Nature Play SA challenge of, “51 things to do before you’re 12!” www.natureplaysa.org.au

We have our challenge list on display in the classroom and we are making our way through as many of them as possible.

Some have been easy to do during a school day, such as:

Number 11 – “Play chasy in the rain.” This one took a while but eventually late in Term 1 during writing time it rained and yes, we went out there!

Number 31 – “Play under a sprinkler.” We were just walking past an unattended sprinkler and well, a challenge is a challenge and so yes, we ended up getting very wet but dried by home time!!!

We’ve grown things, caught things, and made some mud.

We soon discovered that a few challenges were not possible within a normal school day.

Make damper, toast marshmallows, beach comb and then build a sandcastle city, skim a stone and go spotlighting were some of them and then Number 2 caught our attention; “SLEEP UNDER THE STARS!!”

So, one day in Science we put our pencils down and started thinking, planning and asking. It resulted in Team Ehlers Tent Night 2019.

It meant that our families, after a really long and busy week could not go home and relax but instead had to get themselves packed and sorted for a “no electricity allowed” camp-out at school with Mrs Ehlers and Jacqui.

Thank you to all the happy campers for making it FUN. 😊

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