Port Noarlunga Primary School

Porties Podcast Pick #2 – How Other Dads Dad

Mar 24, 2023 | wellbeing

A slightly different side of the Hamish Blake than we have come to know but with flashes of the humour we are used to.

Each episode Hamish sits down with a friend who is also a dad. At all different parts of their parenting journey, each guest gives their Dad tips and wisdom. From the gold standard of ‘dadding’ to the mistakes made, routines built or moments they have made time for, those interviewed share their thoughts and understandings of what makes them the parent they are or how they hope to build on their parenting journey so far.

Guests include Pat Cummins, Max Gawn, Dave Hughs and Dr. Billy Garvey.

This is a podcast that can totally be listened to by mums and dads and has moments that will make you laugh, ponder, wonder and be inspired by. A top Porties Podcast Pick!

As many of our classroom and specialist teachers are (or are soon to be) parents, we wanted to share some of the sources that we mine information, ideas and strategies from that help us both in our own parenting journey as well as in the classroom.

For the next month or so, each week a podcast will be posted that some of us have been listening to and finding interesting, inspiring, and sometimes incredibly challenging. I’m sure many of us would relate to parenting being a daunting, exciting, challenging and rewarding role and these are some of the ways that the staff at Porties have found to encourage and support us along the way.

We hope you enjoy!

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