Port Noarlunga Primary School

Charity begins at PORTIES!

Oct 28, 2022 | class story, fundraising, school news

The world for many children can be a scary and unsafe place. Children in Ukraine are experiencing daily bombing, their homes may be destroyed and their parents far away fighting to protect them and their country. In Yemen children are starving and living in terrible conditions. It’s really awful to think that children are suffering but it’s also good to know that there are people who care and can make a difference, like the Porties Community.

In September, Mrs Sander’s Year 4/5 class hosted a Cake and Cookie sale, raising an outstanding amount of just under $835 for charity!

This could not have happened without the support of parents who donated goods and who gave their children money to spend, either for buying cakes and cookies or for sponsoring the odd socks day, or both.


The amount was bumped up by a personal contribution, so $550 went to help children in Ukraine, and $500 to children in Yemen.

Mathematics in everyday, authentic situations

The class had to set prices, practise addition and subtraction, and calculate percentages when we decided to reduce prices for a second sale at lunchtime (the first sale was at recess).

Acts of kindness

Nearly everyone in the class gave up both recess and lunch to sell the food and several teachers provided crowd control as the line-up looked like what you might see at after Christmas sales! Staff also helped by giving donations and their time. We discovered that Vicki McCarthy has a special talent for scones and lemon butter which she sold and put the money towards our worthy cause. Awesome job, Vicki!

Charity begins at Porties! Thank you Porties!

—Kris Sander

Charitable Organisations

Here’s a link to the Save the Children site: https://www.savethechildren.org.au/

and to the World Vision site: https://www.worldvision.com.au/global-issues/world-emergencies/ukraine-appeal.

There are videos and information about how donations are directed.

The Yemen Relief received all the money as it has a special designation, whereas just under twenty percent was needed to cover administration costs for the Ukraine project.

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