Port Noarlunga Primary School

A day in Room 18-1 with Team Ehlers

Jun 20, 2022 | class story

Years 1 and 2 in Room 18-1 on the deck.

Do you ever wish you knew more about our day? Do you ask us but don’t receive much detail? Here’s what we did on Wednesday, June 1:

“Hi Sweetheart, what did you do today?”

We discovered that our parents also refer to us as… Pumpkin, Sweet Heart, Honey Pie, Darling, Sweetie, Cheeky Monkey, Sweet Cheeks, My Baby, Ratbag…

Morning tasks

Peyton – We had to put numbers in order and find our spelling words in the dictionary.

Narrative writing

Amelia – Today we were thinking about the complication. We have written the orientation and the special talent. The complication is a problem for the main character.


Pippa – I played puppy gymnastics with Isa, Zahli and Indi.

Oscar – I like playing at the cricket cage.

Rory – I like playing with Oscar at the cricket cage.

Performing Arts

Amelia – We are working with a partner or group for miming.

Jasmine – I am with Kiana and our mime is about going to a ball and we ended up getting angry with each other because we had the same dress. We had to do it without saying words. Next week we can use talking.


Isa – At the campfire I saw Rory trying to make Smores but we only had marshmallow toasting equipment, so he ate them as they were.


Lily – I found Harper and when I was with her I was running and doing a trick on the playground bars.

Magnus – I was playing around the campfire because my Mum was there helping.

Reading Eggs on iPads:

Pippa – I went to the second last level before moving to Reading Eggspress.

Xavier – I moved up to Lesson 119 and the last lesson is 120.


Mark – We had to tell the time and write the time in French for o’clock times.

And that’s just one day! A full day indeed.

Thank you for reading our blog.


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