How is it December already? 2020 has certainly whizzed by and brought all the triumphs and challenges along with it.
Students at Port Noarlunga Primary School have one lesson each week with me (Miss Susie Scott) to learn Music, Dance and Drama. Here is just a small list of some of the learning that we have had this year;
♫ Bucket drumming
♫ Monologues
♫ Singing songs
♫ Percussion routines
♫ Xylophone playing
♫ Rhythm dictation
♫ Pool Noodle choreography
♫ Music dynamics
♫ Minute of Listening
♫ Scripted Drama
♫ Book Week Dance
♫ Miming
Students were asked about some of the activities they enjoyed learning about in Performing Arts;
“I like doing music games” —Jay (Year3)
“I liked learning how to play the Xylophones” —Ruby (Year 3)
“A lot of this, but mostly Drama” —Taiten (Year 5)
“My favourite thing to learn was to use the pool noodles for ‘Into a Fantasy’ because I got to be creative” —Bradley (Year 5)
“I really enjoyed listening to the people play music then having to guess the instrument” —Landen (Year 6)
Isabel (Year 6) was asked what are some important skills you learn in Performing Arts, her response was;
- How to keep a beat to an instrument
- How to tell between different notes
- How to draw musical notes
- How to work together in partnership and play instruments together
Drama Elective
This year we trialled electives for the upper primary classes. Many of the elective subjects were based on Arts subjects including Drumming, Guitar, Photography, Paper Mache and Drama. This was a great opportunity for enhanced learning in the Arts areas. I would like to congratulate my own Drama elective team for their dedication in drama skills as we prepared a play titled ‘Incognito’. A play about Superman getting into trouble with citizens as he has forgotten to change out of his superman outfit.
Congratulations to;
- Amber B
- Tali J
- Kody S
- Jed P
- Sam Y
- Edie S
- Chelsey W
- Aliya J
- Kaden B
- Oliver T
Music Education Network Field Officer
This year we have been very lucky to have Kristie Fudge as a Music Education Network Field Officer at our school to support class teachers with incorporating more music into lessons. It has been fantastic seeing our class teachers grow more confident with using music to enhance learning in their own classrooms. I have even noticed a huge difference in the learning of classes that have worked with Kristie this year when they have come to me for Performing Arts. Kristie has also supported me with choir and my own teaching practice. I am very sad to say that next year Kristie is moving on to another lucky school to continue her work in supporting classroom teachers with music and she will be very missed.
Thank you Kristie!
Performing Arts folders have been handed to students so they may show their work from this year with families. Some folders may only have a few sheets for the year, but don’t forget that most of the learning in Performing Arts is using movement, voices, roleplay and playing instruments.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank families for their continued support of your child and hope you have a safe and happy holiday season.
Kind regards,
Miss Susie Scott