Port Noarlunga Primary School

Principal’s Update – Term 3, Week 2, 2020

Jul 31, 2020 | principal's update, school info

Dear all,

I hope you have all settled successfully into Term 3.

I thought that it was timely to remind you all about the continued importance of following the SA Health guidelines regarding COVID-19. As you would have seen, the Eastern states, particularly Victoria are going through another wave of cases with some devastating outcomes. We need to continue to maintain our high standards to protect against any cases that may come across the border.

Thus, I ask that you:

  • Continue to be aware of the number of people on the school grounds at the start and the end of the day
  • Maintain a safe physical distance of 1.5m
  • Do not enter classrooms where possible to limit the number of adults in the space
  • Stay away from school if you are unwell

It is vital that you do not send your child to school if they are unwell. We have been advised to send unwell students home. I have directed our Administration staff to follow this process.

I understand that this may be an inconvenience for some of you. However, I urge you to consider the broader picture and the impact that illness can have on some of our more vulnerable students, families and staff.

Staff have been advised to stay home if they are unwell and I will direct staff home if they are sick.

We continue to have high expectations regarding cleanliness and hygiene practices across the school with extra cleaning and handwashing.

The impact on wellbeing has been clear across the school and broader community. We are certainly seeing some frayed tempers from students, families and me (sometimes). It is important to remind that we are all managing COVID-19 in our own ways and that kindness and empathy will bring us together in a way that aggression and discontent do not.

Please touch base with us if your child is struggling or if you need further support. We may be able to connect you with other agencies that can meet your needs.

Thank you all for your support, kindness and resilience throughout this year. It’s been a tough one but our community has shone.

Take care,


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