Port Noarlunga Primary School

Principal’s Update: COVID-19

Mar 18, 2020 | principal's update, school info

This letter was delivered electronically via Class Dojo on Tuesday 17 March 2020. A printable PDF version is available for download here. Helpful links can be found at the bottom of this post.

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I write to you in regards to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We have followed the advice of the Department for Education and have critically examined the need to hold events and gatherings. We have decided to cancel all excursions, incursions, assemblies and parent meetings from Wednesday the 18th March 2020 until further notice.

Parent/Teacher interviews will be conducted by phone from Wednesday the 18th March. Your child’s teacher will phone you at the allocated interview time. Please be aware that this will present as an unknown number on your phone. If this is unsuitable please contact the teacher via Class Dojo to reschedule at a later date.

I ask that parents and caregivers lessen their time on school grounds and refrain from helping in class in the morning and congregating in the yard at home time. This supports the social containment measures suggested and assists in our efforts to keep our community safe and healthy.

Social distancing, personal hygiene and the hygiene standards in all schools are critical to reducing the risk of infection. All students and staff are encouraged to take extra precautions with personal hygiene and are being asked to remain at home if they are unwell.

I will provide you with updates as they become available.

I thank you for your continued support and understanding at this challenging time for our community.

Kind Regards,

Marie Wright

Department for Education COVID-19 updates: https://www.education.sa.gov.au/supporting-students/health-e-safety-and-wellbeing/coronavirus

SA Health COVID-19 updates: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+topics/health+topics+a+-+z/covid+2019/community/information+for+the+community+-+covid-19

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