Port Noarlunga Primary School

Staffing Update – Leadership 2023 and 2024

Aug 11, 2023 | principal's update, school info

Dear all,

As you are aware today is Victoria Corbett’s last day at Port Noarlunga Primary School. We need to cover her role for the remainder of the year.

From Monday until the end of Term 3, we will have Mike Woolford in the leadership team on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week. He will continue to teach PE on Wednesdays and manage the SAPSASA and other sporting activities while in leadership. We are relieved to have someone who knows every student well working in this position and know that Mike will do a wonderful job.

On Wednesdays for the remainder of this term Sebastian Braim will support behaviours across the school. He also has good relationships with students across the school which is a huge asset to this role.

Allana Wait will teach Mike’s PE and Health classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this term and Dan Ruiz will teach PE on Fridays.

We believe that this is the best plan for our students and school.

Joshua MacWilliams is keen to return to Reception teaching next year and we are grateful for the significant contribution he has made as a member of the leadership team.

We have appointed a Deputy Principal and Student Wellbeing Leader for 2024 onwards.

Leadership Communication

Due to the changes in Leadership staffing, please direct any leadership/school enquiries through the school email (dl.0362.admin@schools.sa.edu.au) after first speaking with your class teacher. The leadership team will no longer be contactable via ClassDojo.

Looking forward to 2024

Dylan Carter will be our new Deputy Principal and he comes to us from Tintinara Area School.

Caitlin McClay is our new Student Wellbeing Leader and we have been able to change her start date from 2024 to the beginning of Term 4, 2023. This means that we only need to have the changes noted above for Term 3. Caitlin is currently the Student Wellbeing Leader at Reynella South Primary School.

I understand that this looks like a lot of change. I am confident that this is the absolute best scenario and outcome for our students, our families, our staff and the Porties community.

Exciting times ahead!

Take care,


RELATED: Farewell Victoria Corbett

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