Port Noarlunga Primary School

Porties student Coby rehearses with Adelaide Symphony Orchestra

Aug 21, 2023 | school news, student achievement

On Monday 14th August I was invited into the city to participate in a rehearsal with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.

by Year 5 student Coby Forde

Firstly I gave my viola a good tune and got my music ready.  I then found my seat next to a man called Michael.  He also plays the viola in the orchestra.  I felt really grown up to be sitting with him and all the other musicians.   

Next the conductor came in and conducted the ASO and beginners’ players in four songs.  They were, the Open String Rumba, Mythos, Ping Pong Pluck, and Impulse

We learnt that if the conductor raises his hands high we play louder but if his hands went low, we should play quiet. He also said in 2 of the pieces we should move our bow only a small way along the strings.  Michael was helpful with showing me the tricky notes. 

After an hour of practicing the parents came in to watch us play all the pieces.   I got lost a few times but since the orchestra was so big, I found where I was up to and played along. 

When it was time to go home, I was so sad as I enjoyed it so much.  It was such a great experience and hopefully I get to do it again.

Congratulations Coby for taking the initiative to apply for this exciting event and being selected to take part with 30 other school students from across the state. This is an inspiring and proud achievement!

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