Port Noarlunga Primary School

Term 1 Outdoor Education

May 11, 2023 | class story, wellbeing


Year 5 Outdoor Education

by Year 5 student Eva

Cooking, Rope tying, adventures, and water activities, sounds like fun right? Well that’s how much fun Outdoor Education was!

Outdoor Education is an experience that was nothing we have ever done before. On the day of Outdoor Education the classes that were doing it all went down to the oval to get started. All the activities that we did were like camping.

When we cooked we made noodles and warmed up milo, to do this we had to use a stove that campers use.

The rope tying that we did we learnt to tie different knots to make it strong and stable, so all five of us could stand on this, followed by a knot at the top that we could hold on to.

The last activity we did was the water activity. Four people wore helmets followed by buckets on top of the helmets. After we chose who wore them we of course switched them around every now and then. There was a big tub of water and we tipped our head into to try to get water in and then tried to fill a big tube up with holes in it so then we needed to stick sticks into them.

At the end of the activity we were of course all very wet, we needed to see who had the most water, they won.

Outdoor Education was the BEST!!

I really liked building the rope bridges and cooking because we got to eat at school and learn to cook like a camper.” —Gemma


I liked cooking the food because it was really fun and we got to eat at school.” —Mason

“I really enjoyed the rope tying because you could do it yourself and it was like a test. I also really liked the cooking.” —Indi

Year 6 Outdoor Education

by Year 6 student Jordyn

Guess what’s fun? 

Outdoor Education, Building tents, egg drop problem and playing games such as hoverboards and crossing the river.

When we were on the tent station we watched an instructor put up a tent, then we got put into groups of 3 and built the tent where we worked as a team.

For the egg drop problem we had to make a safe surrounding for the egg. But we only had a certain amount of materials we could use. After that we threw it up in the air and saw if it safely landed without cracking.

The last station was about strategies. We played a game called Cross The River. There were hula hoops we had to get over and different coloured hoops meant different things like only one foot in hula hoop or 2 people in the hula hoops. It was a fun challenge.

“I enjoyed putting up the tents and I also liked working as a team.” —Dahlia

“I liked being able to put up tents and being outside in a team.” —Harry

“I really enjoyed doing the egg drop and creating a safe bass for our egg but unfortunately it didn’t survive.” —Ruby

“Egg drop because it was a good experience to build a design for an egg and the thrill of opening seeing if it cracked or not.” —Senn

“Hoverboards being challenged by other students and getting competitive with the people in my group.” —Bianca

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