RUOK? Day 2022

Sep 26, 2022 | class story, wellbeing

R u ok? Day was on the 8th September this year. In Team B we checked in with each other and had conversations around our feelings.

Sometimes others may look like they are doing OK on the outside but they really aren’t on the inside. This is why it is so important to use our voice to help others when they might not be able to use theirs.

RUOK? Day is a national day of action and a reminder that every day is the day to ask ‘are you OK?’. It is also an opportunity for people to connect, start a conversation and make a promise to be there for each other more often. To find out more visit:

Everyone needs a bit of sunshine on a rainy day and that one conversation you have with another could be just that!

We created our own positive quotes and stuck them to rainbow strips, we then cut out a cloud shape and stuck each strip to the bottom of the cloud. “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud” is what the cloud reads. Every time someone walks into our classroom they are covered in positive quotes and rainbows to make them smile.

The rainbow clouds are there to help us find positive things to say to others or are there to give ourselves a cheer up.

Some of our positive quotes include:

  • I believe in you!
  • Never give up!
  • You are strong.
  • You are brave.
  • You are loved.

We hope we have brightened your day! Thanks for reading.
Team B

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