Port Noarlunga Primary School

Rock and Water at Porties

Aug 10, 2022 | school info

Students in numerous classes have been participating in a psychophysical training program called ‘Rock and Water’ with Mrs Corbett, the Student Wellbeing Leader.

The Rock and Water program focusses on the awareness of individual strengths and capabilities and the ability to play together, work together and live together with other people in an ever changing society.

The program is fun and engaging and focusses on learning how to work together, make friends and exercise so that we can stay fit and strong, both mentally and physically whilst cementing the idea that we have two main qualities: Rock and Water.

ROCK stands for our awareness of our own potential and personal path in life. It represents that we can be closed off from others and we can go your own way.

WATER stands for our connection with others. It represents that we are open to the thoughts and opinions of others and we can go with the flow and work with others.

Participation in the activities and discussions teach students to:

  • Be in control of their breathing, focus and ground themselves.
  • Develop trust in their team mates.
  • Know when to use the rock or water quality and when to use a combination of both to be successful.
  • Use assertiveness rather than aggression.
  • Modify their body language to communicate confidence, not arrogance.

Students have participated in learning games such as ‘Chinese Boxing’, ‘Back to Back’, ‘Golden Rooster’, and ‘Rock your partner’.

Feedback from staff and students is really positive:

“At first it was tricky but it got better as I learned the strategies and I really like it now.” —Isa

“It was hard to be able to do “Back to back” at the start but then I learned lots of strategies and it made it lots easier.” —Matisse

“It was 1000% fun!” —Xavier

“I liked it when we joined up with Ms Sander’s Year 4s and we got to teach them the games.” —Marley

“It’s the best class I’ve done this year!” —Oscar

“A perfect blend of challenge, movement and enjoyment.” —Mrs Ehlers

“I liked it because we got to do different games. It felt good when I was successful when I used the breathing and grounding techniques.” —Phoebe

I look forward to teaching this program to more classes throughout the year.

Mrs Corbett

More information about the Rock and Water Program can be found at their website: https://www.rockandwater.com.au/

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