Port Noarlunga Primary School

Principal’s Update: Term 3, Week 9, 2021

Sep 17, 2021 | Department for Education, principal's update, school events, school info

Dear all,
Apologies for not checking in recently or as regularly as I should lately. There are a couple of things that I would like to share / update in this blog post.

COVID19 Guidelines

I understand there is a lot of frustration and discontent regarding the restrictions surrounding adults on school grounds. I followed up with the Department for Education WHS team last week to make sure that I hadn’t missed any important changes. They advised that the information that school received on the 5th of August 2021 is still to be followed. The information I received is below:

Measures that remain in place
The following measures remain in place until further notice:

  • All interstate camps and travel must be postponed.
  • Staff and students in years 8 and above must continue to wear masks.
  • Please continue to limit the number of parents on site, and when on site they must wear a face mask and practice physical distancing.
  • Where possible, please hold parent teacher interviews online.
  • All adults (including staff) must COVID-SAfe check in each time they enter the site.

Requirements that remain in place:

  • It’s important that students and staff stay home if they are unwell
  • Adults, including parents must continue to physical distance wherever possible, including at school pick up and drop off.

As you can see from the information above that was provided to all schools, we are following the measures and requirements as provided by the Department for Education. When these change, I will be able to implement the updated directions.

Current restrictions are kept up-to-date on our website:


Fun Run

With the Fun Run on Friday 24th September, we will have an area cordoned off along the inside of the fence line for parent viewing of the event. However, parents must check-in at the gate using the QR code or on the sheet provided, wear masks, and physically distance.

It is vital that all adults on school grounds respectfully follow the directions as above and as given by the COVID Marshalls or staff on the day.

We are asking for 2 parents to be the COVID Marshalls for this event as staff will be busy supervising students and ensuring that the event runs smoothly. Please Class Dojo Victoria Corbett if you are willing to take on that role.

Again, I apologise for the negative impact that this has had on parents, carers and other adults in our school community.

NAPLAN results

The NAPLAN results for our Year 3, 5 and 7 students will be sent home today. There are 3 reports that you will receive:

  1. Student report 2021 which has the results of each of the 5 tests in relation to the National Minimum Standard
  2. Individual Student Summary 2021 that shows the progress between tests for Year 5 and 7 and the achievement score for all 5 tests
  3. Standard of Education Achievement Student Report 2021 is a new report this year. It shows your child’s results in Reading and Numeracy against the proficiency standards that we use as a guide in South Australia.

Our students are achieving well here at Port Noarlunga and we see that we are moving more students into the Higher Bands and, in Reading, retaining them in the Higher Bands between Years 3 and 5. Our NAPLAN results are something to be proud of and I would like to recognise the efforts of all involved—students, families and staff.

Class Placement Survey 2022

The survey can be accessed via this link:
The survey closes on October 11th – Day 1 of Term 4.

Thank You

Thank you for your ongoing support and efforts over what has been a term that has proven challenging on different levels.

We understand that this isn’t how our community would like to be and we miss the interactions that we experienced with you earlier in the year.

I know that the strength of our community will get us through this period of disconnection and we will work together to be stronger when things change again.

Take care,

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