Principal’s Update – Term 3, Week 3, 2021

Aug 5, 2021 | covid, principal's update, school info

Dear all,

I hope you are well and enjoying the bursts of sunshine that we have had.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has adhered to the restrictions at the start and end of each day. I know that this is not the ideal situation for some families however, the children are coping extremely well particularly in the mornings.

Home time poses challenges with the concentration of adults at gates and on the road. Frustrations have been evident and we ask that everyone remembers to be kind throughout this period.

The Department for Education has asked that schools and preschools continue to limit the number of parents and extra adults allowed on school grounds.

We will continue the current arrangement until the end of next week (Friday August 13th) or until there is a change in direction from the Department.

This means that students will be dropped off at the gate in the morning.

Parents will advise classroom teachers of Reception and Year 1 students which gate they plan on collecting their child from. This means that we can make sure that our youngest students get to the gate and their adult safely.

We are already seeing an increase in resilience and independence in our students due to this new arrangement. As usual, children seem to cope better with the restrictions than we adults do.

I will touch base again next week regarding restrictions and arrangements.

Take care,

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