Port Noarlunga Primary School

Perspective Art

Nov 10, 2020 | class story

by Ms. Thompson and Mrs. Baumann’s class

Our class has been looking at and experimenting with perspective art. We have learnt how to make sure we are considering the audience’s point of view in our artwork, how to use a vanishing point to make drawings look realistic and three dimensional, and how we can use these skills to trick the audience when taking forced perspective photographs.

This is what our students had to say:

What is perspective art?

“Perspective art is a type of art that makes the audience feel like they’re in the picture/drawing and looks realistic.” —Mia

“Perspective art can look 3D.” —Addi

“It makes the audience feel like they are there.” —Ivy

 “Perspective art is an art that looks like you’re in it.” —Leanne

“Perspective art is something that is realistic and pops out of the page like you really are there.” —Maleah

“In perspective art, things at the front are bigger and things at the back are smaller.” —Suf

“Perspective art is where you do a drawing and make it look realistic.” —Ruby P

“Perspective art is really realistic. It looks 3D.” —Harry

“Perspective art is a certain art that looks like someone is really in the place where they’re looking.” —Jackson

How did we show perspective in our aquarium pictures?

“The first thing we did was find our vanishing point.” —Cooper

“We put the vanishing point in the middle of the page.” —Asha

“Everything close to the vanishing point had to be small” —Haley

“We made every tile smaller.” Jayden

“We made it seem like you’re in the picture.” —Elsie

“When we were finished it was 2D, but it made it look 3D.” —Jay

Forced perspective is an optical illusion that requires the photographer to place objects and people in certain positions in order to trick the eyes of their audience. Many of us may have seen people experimenting with this when sight-seeing to create fun holiday photos, for example images that appear to show people pushing over the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The class had lots of fun working in teams to plan and create some fantastic forced perspective images.

This is what our students had to say:

What is forced perspective?

“Forced perspective is a photo that can make you look like unreal things are happening.” —Declan

“Forced perspective is when someone tricks people into making them think something might be small or big, but they’re the same size.” —Coby

“When you pretend to do something that you’re not actually doing.” —Sienna

“When you think you see something, but it’s not.” —Casey

“A forced perspective is where something is far away and another thing is close.” —Maleah

“It tricks the audience.” —Jordyn

How did we show forced perspective in our photographs?

“One person stood far away and the other one stood close.” —Ruby R

“Someone put a shoe in front of a camera and a person stood far away and then it looked like a giant was stepping on the person.” —Casey

“We put a bottle at the camera with no lid and I was far away and then it looked like I was getting trapped by the bottle and it tricks you.” —Senn

We hope you enjoyed our perspective art as much as we enjoyed making it!

Ms. Thompson & Mrs. Baumann’s year 3/4 class.

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