What a fantastic term of learning we have had!
A class story by Miss K Thomson
We have been measuring up the area behind the classroom to create a green space and loosening the soil to prepare it for planting. In doing so, we discovered lots of relics from the past and some from the present. We have been stretching our imaginations by using these objects as powerful props in our writing.
We also discovered that the soil is only about 10 centimetres deep before it hits bitumen. So we are needing to rethink how we will be creating our green space. Stay tuned for that one!

In STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) this term we are looking at force, laws of motion, properties of materials and simple machines. The outcome of this project will be some highly considered arcade games.
In preparation for our Tennis Hot Shots Carnival, we have been developing our skills and preparing our muscles by practising supination (forehand) and pronation (backhand) shots, counting how many times we can hit the ball in the air with the racket and working on our rally’s in pairs. This is in addition to the great preparation and skills development the students have had through Mr. Woolford. We are all really looking forward to having a great time further developing skills and forging deeper bonds with friends.

Maze making, cloud stories and Micro hikes were the order of the day on Thursday (5/11/2020) for our outdoor classroom day.
Students thought about how mazes work and used symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes to slow their classmates down in their solving of the mazes. We had some very original ideas and some great displays of working together positively.
Later we brought some sheets out onto the oval to gaze at the clouds, imagine what characters we could find and come up with a collaborative short story based on these cloud characters.
Lastly we pretended to be tiny people, the size of a thumbnail, then, using lenses we slowly followed a 1 metre piece of wool on the grass to see what life forms we might find along the way.
To finish up the students came up with their own ways of interacting with nature, some enjoyed doing some parkour on the dirt mound, others made cubbies with the sheets and we even had some sheet burritos! Whilst some just relaxed and enjoyed being outside.
All agreed that it was great fun to be outside, everyone was engaged in their learning and we will definitely be doing more of this as the weather warms up.