Port Noarlunga Primary School

Vex IQ Robots

Oct 14, 2020 | class story

by Jo Eldridge – Year 6/7 Teacher

Along with Rachel Gregory, I am involved in a project with other schools in our partnership called the Continuity of Learning. From this, we were given 3 Vex IQ robots for our classes to work with. Every student in both classes was involved in an introductory session with Hannah Dent (our SSO) with the goal to select a team of 8 year 5/6 students to compete in a Robot competition in November. This will be at Padre College against other primary schools. We will be selecting a team in week 10 so they can work with Hannah in Digital Technology lessons to get prepared for November’s competition.

The competition is called ‘Rise Above’ and students will be expected to build, program and operate the Vex IQ through a series of activities. The robots come in kit form and students are required to put them together before they start programming. Each partnership had to follow the instructions to build the basic model before experimenting with their own designs. Resilience and persistence were tested!

“Building the robot from scratch was great.” —Kade

“Being able to create your own robot was great. I can’t wait to do it again and hopefully program it to move around.”Jayden

“I liked being able to build different parts of the robot and changing things around.”Serenity

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