Dear all,
As we come to the end of what feels like the longest school term in history, I’d like to thank you for sharing your children with us throughout this challenging time.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Rick Persse, CE of the Department for Education, told leaders across the state that they would be judged by the way they handled this crisis. I shared this with staff, students and families and it has been one of the main things that has guided me throughout this term. We all remember those individuals that treat us with respect, kindness and understanding in our day to day lives. Throughout COVID-19 feelings and emotions have been amplified and a simple act of kindness has meant so much more than before. We have tried to keep care and kindness at the centre of all that we do while keeping a relentless focus on improving learning. I am in awe of the efforts of our students and staff so far this year. They have held the line on learning improvement and shown that they value each other at a deeper level than before. This resilience and determination will assist us in facing any further challenges thrown our way.
The generosity and understanding from you, our families, has been overwhelming and hugely appreciated. We have been fed, watered, entertained and cared for. This is something that is particularly special about our ‘Porties Family’ and something to be proud of. The values and examples that we are sharing with our children will set them on the path of becoming successful at school and beyond.
The feedback that we have received has been mostly positive and constructive and we will build on those areas that require tweaking. Yard cleanliness continues to be an issue and we are implementing some strategies to address that further. You will start to see some more planting areas pop up around the yard to assist in building ownership and pride in our school environment. It has been a challenge to keep a finger on some of the smaller items around the place as our attention has understandably been elsewhere. We hope that Term 3 provides us with less uncertainty, more calm and a greater opportunity to address some of those little things.
On the Pupil Free Day on the 20th July we will be working on Daily 5 and preparing ourselves for the remainder of the year. We will re-connect and re-focus to ensure that every student gets the best learning we can give.
Thank you all for your constant support, care and trust. This is a job that we can’t do without you.
I hope that you all have some time over the holiday break for fun, friends and family.
Take care, Marie