Port Noarlunga Primary School

Principal’s Update — September 2019

Sep 16, 2019 | principal's update, school info

Dear all,

This is my first blog post here and I admit I’m a little embarrassed that it has taken me so long.

We continue to be extremely busy here and it doesn’t look like slowing down for a while.

I’d like to provide an update on some things that have been happening around the school…

Kim Gwatking commenced her parenting leave at the end of Week 7 and Shannon Clarke had a very successful first week in the Reception class last week. Jayne Jeffries, who also works in that class, has jetted off on a holiday for the final two weeks of term but will return next term.

Bianca Newbery has changed her leaving day to tomorrow, Tuesday 17th, and Kim Thomson will be the Year 1 teacher for the remainder of the year. We wish both Bianca and Kim every happiness in their exciting journey into parenthood.

Brett Horsfall is on leave for the remainder of term and Jeff Wakefield will be on leave in Week 1 and 2 next term.

It is expected that NAPLAN reports will come to the school this week and we will send them home as soon as we can.

However, I have seen the results and they are quite pleasing. The stand out result is that 40% of our Year 7 students are in the Higher Bands in Numeracy. This is pretty remarkable and something we are particularly pleased with.

On Monday (4/11) and Tuesday (5/11) next term our school we participate in an External School Review. These are a Department wide process and our previous review was in 2016. A Review Officer and a Review Principal spend the full 2 days with us with a focus on learning. They don’t focus on structural or procedural aspects only on the overarching question: How well does the school improve achievement, growth, challenge, engagement and equity?

They will interrogate numerous sets of data, meet with students, staff, some parents and the Governing Council over the 2 days. They will leave us with 2 to 3 directions to focus on over the next 3 years. The final Review report will be shared via the website once it has been completed.

This year we are completing the request process electronically through a survey format. Requests can be kept confidential and I am the administrator of the survey meaning that all requests come to me first. The survey is open from now until Monday the 14th October (Day 1 Term 4). The survey link is:


Thank you for your support in this and across the school.

Take care,

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